Friday, September 20, 2013

Pinterest Inspired Polka Dots!

Today, ladies and gents (are there any gents actually reading this, I wonder?), I present you the Pinterest Polka Dots!

I don't know about the rest of you nail lovers out there, but when I'm bored I surf Pinterest. I pinned something like this design a few months ago, and never tried it. Unfortunately, this isn't my cleanest work since I was painting with my left hand, but I like the results nonetheless. I would show you my right hand, but it has a completely different design on it that I decided after the fact I wasn't happy with.

Now, I chose to do these in gel polish because I might actually get to enjoy it for a few days at work before I have to take it off. Water is just the closest thing to an arch nemesis nail polish can have, I swear! I mostly FingerPaints with the exception of the minty green, which came from the Gelish bottle featured in the photo. The color name is "A Mint of Spring." A funny color choice at a time when all I want to do is fall nail designs. October cannot come fast enough!

Anyway, there's my newest attempt! What do you think?

(By the way, I promise not all of my designs will be Pinterest related!)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Plaid and Lavender Plaid

Well, it only took me a week, but I've finally got a new design to show ya! It's a really simple pattern that I see floating around the internet from time to time, but for whatever reason I never tried it. So, without further adieu...Ta-da!

I've done it as a pedicure (so you'll have to excuse my chubby little toes) because I didn't want to do another really intricate design since my last one was leopard print. I also chose the teal and purple just because I like the two colors next to each other. There was a lot of consideration of glitter, but I thought to myself, "alright, Heather, not EVERY design has to sparkle." Alas, I refrained. All the colors I used today were by the brand Fingerpaints. I used Art Dealer Teal-er, Lavender Highlights, and a clear top coat, all from their collection. The formula is great to work with if you're doing line work because it isn't too thick or thin, and the colors are usually pretty opaque, which makes it easier to do the lines in one shot.

So anyway, there's my fancy new toes! Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Fall Leaf Design

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm ready for Summer to be over. It's fun and all, but I'm not a huge fan of heat. When I get the slightest hint that Fall is around the corner I start to get excited. Our nights started to get cooler, and I started to get inspired. So, while it may be a little early to pull out the Autumn nail designs, I'm starting out with a few anyway.


 This first one did not translate as well in photo as it does in real life. It is actually done as a gradient from a bronze color called Perfect Penny from Covergirl into an orange called Courtney Orange by Sinful Colors. The black is done using Finger Paints' Black Expressionism, and there's a bit of accent gold glitter using Sinful Color's All About You.

This second design uses all the same colors, just in a different way. I was hoping to get more of a "leaves in on a blustery day" sort of from it. Actually, in my head it was looking like the leaves blowing around in that classic Winnie The Pooh movie.

I had intended to do a tutorial on one or both of these designs, but I got a little overzealous and forgot to take a few pictures in the middle of the process. What do you think? Would you like to see a step-by-step on either or both of these? Let me know in the comments!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Welcome to Nailed It!

Hi there! Welcome to Nailed It. I'm Heather, I'm 25, and this is my fledgling nail blog.

Currently, I'm in school for a degree in business management, but once that's finished I'm planning on becoming a nail technician. Then I can get paid to do what I love!

I discovered I had a passion for nails, and nail art sort of by accident. I impulsively bought some pretty nail decals one day and the inspiration just started kicking. Since then it's gone from a casual hobby to something I'm constantly finding ideas for. I love challenging myself with new designs that I either find online or dream up in my head. Freehand work is some of my favorite stuff to experiment with. So I thought I'd share my designs with some of the other addicts out there. Share the passion!

Unfortunately, a lot of my designs will either come up as pedicures or on a nail palette because I work in a restaurant as a cook, so I'm not supposed to have my nails done. I can't guarantee it won't still happen from time to time. A girl likes to have pretty hands ya know?